Philological Class is a peer reviewed scholarly journal publishing research findings in the field of literary studies, linguistics and methods of teaching these disciplines at higher and secondary school, reviews of monographs and academic events.
The goal and the task of the journal is to present new aspects of research in the study of literature and linguistics, to create a reasoned dialogue between proponents of various methodological approaches; to introduce new educational concepts; to protect, expand and support the Russian language academic environment.
The task to ensure a broad international scope of the papers and to deepen contacts with the global academic community of humanitarian orientation.
The main sections of Philological Class:
- Conceptions. Programs. Hypotheses
- Problems of Modern Linguistics
- Literary Russian Studies in the countries of Eastern, Western Europe and the USA
- Rereading Russian Classics
- Trajectories of the Literary Process of the 20th – early 21st Centuries
- The Mystery of a Children's Book
- Problems of Poetics of Foreign Literature
- From the Writing Table of a Scholar / a Young Scholar
- Theory and Methods of Teaching Philological Disciplines at Higher and Secondary School
- Russian in Multicultural Interaction
- Slow Reading
Russian title – Филологический класс; English title – Philological Class; transliterated title – Filologicheskiy Klass
The journal is registered by the International Standard Serial Numbering system; serial number – ISSN (print) 2071-2405; ISSN (online) 2658-5235.
Philological Class was founded in 1996.
The journal comes out 4 times per year (March, June, October, December).
FSBEI HE «Ural State Pedagogical University» (Ekaterinburg, Russia) is the Founder and the Publisher of the journal.
Place of publication – Ekaterinburg.
Articles in Russian, English, German and French are accepted for publication in the journal.
Indexing: SCOPUS, Web of Science (ESCI), eLIBRARY, Академия Google, ERIH PLUS.
By the decision of the Presidium of VAK of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation the journal is included in the list of the leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main results of research in candidate and doctoral dissertations should be published.
A full-text version of the journal is available open access at and at the scientific electronic library platform (RSCI).
The journal is included in the united catalog «Russian Press», Index 84587. One can subscribe to the print version of the journal at:
The journal is popular among scholars engaged in philology, post-graduate students, and university lecturers in Russia and abroad, facilitates their professional development, and is a site on which academic research meets with practical teaching.
Manuscripts should be submitted for consideration through the journal site