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On the Role of the Story in Russian Literature: From Social Realism to the Classics of the XXth Century
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Abstract: The article focuses on the issue of plot Russian literature of the second half of the XXth century: from socialist realism to the art experience «village prose» and its followers to continue the tradition of Russian classics. The problem of plot works by various artists: V. Shukshin, B. Yekimova, V. Astafieva, V. Lichutina and other writers. The author notes how the storyline normativity socialist realist literature (including collective farm), and plot models that emerged after the (in the work of «villagers»). Attention is drawn to the originality of the plot of different genres: travel, detective novel.
For citation
Bolshakova, A. Y. On the Role of the Story in Russian Literature: From Social Realism to the Classics of the XXth Century / A. Y. Bolshakova . In Philological Class. 2015. №3 (41). P. 58-61.