Article: PDF
DOI: 10.26710/fk16-01-12
Abstract: The research subject of the article is specified as memorial and biographical prose by S. T. Aksakov in terms of temple poetics associated with dogmatic and mystic orthodoxy as a general model within Russian language arts. The Bagrovys are regarded in autobiographic prose by S. T. Aksakov as a prototype of the orthodox temple. Iconic and temple motifs, liturgical storylines of the central characters shape the specific meta-genre poetics of S.T. Aksakov which could not be set equal neither to «saga» as an empirical genre nor to the idyllic pastoral. Both narrative structures of «A Family Chronicle» and «The Years of Childhood of Bagrov the Grandson» have temple and liturgical features and become an integrated stylistic harmony due to the common logic of architectonics and semantics. S.T. Aksakov’s «Memories» as a creative work being an autobiographic prose seems to be relatively autonomous in the context of the writer’s temple and liturgical integrity. In addition to that orthodox dogmatic and mystic model in S. T. Aksakov’s dilogy revealed through triadic iconographic, Berth-Giver motifs, through natural and eventful liturgical storylines have led to the development of the unique world of S. T. Aksakov’s memorial and biographical prose. S. T. Aksakov’s «Family» is an orthodox Universe complied with the principle of collegiality. Thus S. T. Aksakov’s «Family» has social, historical and culturological features as well as traces of sacralization and otherness. The main focus of Seryozha Bagrov as an annalist of the noble Varangians is to fix the phenomena of both earth and spiritual realities. Liturgical World of Nature and the World of the Word (the Book) could be regarded as organic toposes of S. T. Aksakov’s temple «Family» shaping bright and shiny Russian classical prose.

For citation

Mosaleva, G. V. Varangian Annalist: Temple Structure and Liturgical Storyline in Memorial and Biographical Prose by S.T. Aksakov / G. V. Mosaleva. In Philological Class. 2016. №1 (43). P. 76-82. DOI 10.26710/fk16-01-12 .