Article: PDF
DOI: 10.26710/fk16-04-02
Abstract: The article is devoted to such aspect of Pushkin's myth as duel and death of Pushkin in the reflection of Russian poetry of the ХХth century. The paper used the comparison of actual and artistic interpretations (on the examples of poems by E. Bagritsky, V. Nabokov and others); reconstruction of the idea of a poet‘s impending doom in the style of the M. Tsvetaeva diptych «The Poet and the Tsar» and the essay «My Pushkin»; identification of «made-to-order» of immortality and internationalism of Pushkin images in the poems of Soviet poets of the 1937; analysis of the concept of Pushkin's death as a liberation in the verses of poets of the 1960s (D. Samojlov, B. Okudzhava). The ways and means of mythologizing of Pushkin in uncensored poetry of B. Chichibabin and V. Blazhenny were compared. They created the myth that was alternative to the official Soviet, as thinks the image of Pushkin's poetry in the light of religion. The existing contradictory of art worlds of both poets revealed a difference in their attitude to the motif of the poet's death: B. Chichibabin can realizes this motif in a reduced style, whereas V. Blazhenny follows the Tsvetaeva's concept of tragic doom poet and because always he writes about the poet's death in a high key. «Decanonization» plot of the Pushkin's duel and death by D. A. Prigov does not focus on the personality of the poet but on the previous mythology. The paper identified the following modes of artistic expression of the plot: indoctrination, deification, estrangement, travesty, and all of them realize the myth-creating strategy. The only exception is a Nabokov's sonnet «Death of Pushkin» (1924), but outside of the article was a vast reservoir of Russian poetry, and it is likely that a wider material can complement and refine the results.

For citation

Verina, U. J. Duel and Death of Pushkin in Russian Poetry of XXth Century / U. J. Verina . In Philological Class. 2016. №4 (46). P. 12-20. DOI 10.26710/fk16-04-02 .