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Text Linguistics: Traditions and Perspectives
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DOI: 10.26170/FK20-03-02
Abstract: The text is studied in the article in the light of its traditional and innovative basic categories, which generally determine the linguistic specificity of the text. The focus is on the nature and organization of super-phrasal structures in the continuum of human communication. An intensive study of the text outlines the shift from the linguistics of the language to the linguistics of utterances, thus attracting attention to the act of communication. The works of Slovak, Czech, Russian and other European linguists developing cognitive-discursive foundations of text generation form the theoretical and methodological basis of this article. The text-centric logic of thought is, first of all, determined by those modern domestic and foreign integrative conceptions the authors of which, considering the essence of the text, start with the formulation of its interdisciplinary theory creatively integrating the progressive ideas of psycholinguistic [Kubryakova, 1994], semiological [Gal‘perin 1981; Turayeva 2009], grammatical [Dressler 1978: 55; Bajzíková 1983], information [Sokolová 2017], cognitive-pragmatic [Dolník 2018; Gallo 2013] and value-based semantic [Alefirenko] doctrines. Such publications contain those new textological ideas that have served as a source of inspiration for solving debatable research problems in the light of new paradigms of the cognitive discursive studies. Without setting the goal to give a comprehensive analytical overview of the stages of formation of various conceptions of text linguistics, the article interprets the basic and traditional foundations of linguistic textology which contain the previously unused constructive potential for the interpretation of the processes of generation and functioning of utterances of different genres. They serve as methodological prerequisites necessary for the implementation of new interparadigmatic hypotheses of the phenomenon of textuality and the theory of functioning of the main language categories in coherent speech. The introduction contains interpretations of various concepts of the modern text theory and determines the vectors of its development. The first part describes the stimulating prerequisites of the purely linguistic study of the text. The second part is devoted to the propositional and communicative aspects of the text with a retrospective overview of their formation, and discusses the modern trends of their creative development in the light of modern linguistic paradigms. Three main factors of modern text methodology are considered. They represent the constructive provisions of text generation in their trinity: (a) the dual nature of the language, (b) the cognitive-pragmatic essence of the text and (c) the discursive-stylistic interpretation of a unit of speech, conceptually bound and communicatively oriented in terms of its structural and semantic completeness. In conclusion, the topics of prospective studies of the text are formulated: textem, discourse, speech pragmatics and frame configuration of concepts.
Key words: Dual nature of language; discourse; discursive-stylistic hypostasis of the text; cognitive-text pragmatics; communicative text coherence; text linguistics; propositional organization of the text; text theory; text; texteme.
For citation
Gallo, J., Alefirenko, N. F. (2020). Text Linguistics: Traditions and Perspectives. In Philological Class. 2020. Vol. 25 ⋅ №3. P. 23-38. DOI 10.26170/FK20-03-02.