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Principles of Design of a Culture-Oriented Russian Language Textbook for Greek Guide-Interpreters
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DOI: 10.26170/FK20-03-18
Abstract: This article is devoted to one of the problems of formation of the linguistic and professional competence of Greek students who learn Russian in a non-linguistic environment. The linguistic and professional competence of guides-interpreters includes the knowledge about the phonetic, lexical and grammatical systems of the language studied; knowledge of foreign language professional terminology; a set of knowledge that provides communicative interaction in the professional activities of a guide-interpreter; knowledge of the historical and cultural characteristics of the country of the language studied. The components of linguistic and professional competence of guides-interpreters are three sub-competencies: linguistic, speech and cultural, each of which involves the acquisition of knowledge necessary for the effective implementation of professional activities, as well as the formation of appropriate skills that ensure the development of special professionally relevant qualities of personality of guides-interpreters. Linguistic and professional competence of guides-interpreters allows them to efficiently establish communicative contacts with representatives of other cultural models. When creating culture-oriented Russian textbook for Greek students the authors have to make the teaching model correspond to the national educational tradition; to take into consideration specific features of Greek national communicative behavior; to develop communicative skills in order to solve extra-linguistic tasks in professional activities. The focus of the manual on the development of linguistic and professional competence of future guides-interpreters, its multifunctionality has determined the structural organization of the training material: each lesson includes interconnected blocks aimed at developing speaking, writing, reading and listening skills. The results of the methods-oriented experiment showed the ethno cultural and communicative orientation of the textbook on Russian to Greek students is provided by textual material of a cognitive nature. The texts are examples of genres characteristic of the professional discourse of guides-interpreters and illustrate communicatively significant situations of professional communication with the inclusion of ethno-cultural characteristics of native speakers of the language studied. The textbook for Greek students should contain tasks aimed at mastering of the ways of presenting the facts of Greek culture, as well as using speech strategies and tactics when communicating with Russian-speaking tourists in problematic situations.
Key words: Linguistic and professional competence; guides-interpreters; Russian as a foreign language (RFL); culture-oriented textbook; Greek students
For citation
Fedotova, N. L., Stampoulidi, Z. A. (2020). Principles of Design of a Culture-Oriented Russian Language Textbook for Greek Guide-Interpreters. In Philological Class. 2020. Vol. 25 ⋅ №3. P. 207-118. DOI 10.26170/FK20-03-18.