Article: PDF
DOI: 10.26170/2071-2405-2024-29-1-97-103
Abstract: This study carries out a pilot monitoring of the functional and stylistic potential of participles, i.e. it reveals the possibilities of their use in different stylistic contexts. The urgency of the study can be attributed to the interest of linguists in the specificity of the functioning of participles and to the fact that the peculiarities of their use today remain beyond the limits of linguistic research. The scientific novelty of the article stems from the study of the participle in a new aspect as a functional unit of speech. The main aim of this work is to identify the regularity of the distribution of participles in texts of different discourse types (artistic, scientific, journalistic, and colloquial). The article empirically proves the theoretical position about the connection between the frequency of functioning of participles in various stylistic contexts and their semantics and pragmatics. The logic of the study is based on the justification of the general hypothesis, which consists in the presence of different numbers of participles in the texts under consideration: after certain statistical data have been obtained, it is possible to endow them with functional (qualitative) characteristics. The authors argue that as a result of calculations of the average values of the “involvement” indices of the text, a specific hypothesis will be confirmed with varying degrees of reliability: the functional potential of participles increases as the discourse moves away from the colloquial one, in which such potential is minimal. The authors assume the following gradation of the functional style potential of participles: colloquial – fiction (prosaic) – journalistic – scientific with the potential growing from low to high. This assumption is based on observations made by the authors in previous studies, in which it was found that the frequency of participles of some functional styles is often in contrast with the frequency of others. The result of the analysis of the level of “participiality” of texts (we suggest using this term – from participium – participle – to denote the saturation of texts with participial forms) confirms the position that there is a stylistic constant in the texts of each functional variety. This partly suggests the possibility of its use for the description of a linguistic personality by the index of the frequency of the use of participles in a certain type of texts.
Key words: participle; functioning of participles in speech; functional variety of speech; quantitative morphology; frequency; index of text involvement; individual style

Для цитирования:

Питина, С. А. Универсальные характеристики и уникальные особенности челябинских «цветочных» эргонимов / С. А. Питина, Е. В. Харченко // Philological Class. – 2024. – Vol. 29 ⋅ №1. – С. 97–103. DOI 10.26170/2071-2405-2024-29-1-97-103.

For citation

Pitina, S. A., Kharchenko, E. V. (2024). Universal and Unique Characteristics of Chelyabinsk “Floral” Ergonyms. In Philological Class. 2024. Vol. 29 ⋅ №1. P. 97–103. DOI 10.26170/2071-2405-2024-29-1-97-103.

About the author(s) :

Nikolay D. Golev
Kemerovo State University (Kemerovo, Russia)

Anastasia I. Radchenko

Russian State Institute of Performing Arts, branch in Kemerovo (Kemerovo, Russia)

Publication Timeline:

Date of receipt: 04.08.2023; date of publication: 31.03.2024


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