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DOI: 10.26170/2071-2405-2023-29-3-17-26
Abstract: The urgency of the topic can be explained by the increased interest of the humanities in the intercoding nature of art phenomena and the need to rethink the significance of monumental culture in the process of preserving the national spiritual heritage. The aim of this paper is to highlight the role of the monuments to A. S. Pushkin in the formation of the “myth of the national poet” in Russia and Germany. The practical research material encompasses texts of the classics of Russian literature, who created the neo-mythologeme “monument to Pushkin” (A. Akhmatova, E. Bagritsky, V. Mayakovsky, V. Khodasevich, M. Tsvetaeva). Drawing on the cultural-historical, structural and comparative methods of analysis allows the authors to approach the topic from different angles and positions. The theoretical basis of the study is formed by the works devoted to the poetic mythology of Pushkin and the problem of statuary depiction assessment in literary criticism (O. Weddingent, L. Taruashvilli, R. Jakobson). The paper explores the role of the mythologeme of movement in the literary and sculptural representation of the poet’s image. It is concluded that the semantic structure of the monuments becomes part of the mythological space of the town, the “place of memory” (Boldino, Mikhai-lovskoye, Tsarskoye Selo) and is an element of the historical narrative: the frozen images epitomize the memories of the past, the current present and a projection onto the potential future. This idea is illustrated through the specificity of the perception of the monument to Pushkin by A. Opekushin (1881) in Moscow and the bust of the poet installed in the “city of Goethe” Weimar in the year of the formation of the GDR (1949). A conclusion is made about the symbolic rapprochement of the names and images of the two classics, which are of equal importance for Russia and Germany. The practical value of the study is due to the prospect of presenting the material: the discovered facts can become an object of discussion and comprehension in literature, cultural studies and philosophy classes.
Key words: Monuments to A. S. Pushkin; J. W. Goethe; V. Mayakovsky; V. Khodasevich; M. Tsvetaeva; cultural memory; recep-tion; historical narrative; statuary; sculptural and literary discourses

Для цитирования:

Шарафадина, К. И. Памятники Пушкину в контексте исторической и культурной памяти России и Германии / К. И. Шарафадина, С. Н. Аверкина // Philological Class. – 2024. – Vol. 29 ⋅ №3. – С. 17-26. DOI 10.26170/2071-2405-2023-29-3-17-26.

For citation

Sharafadina, K. I., Averkina, S. N. (2024). Monuments to Pushkin in the Context of Historical and Cultural Memory of Russia and Germany. In Philological Class. 2024. Vol. 29 ⋅ №3. P. 17-26. DOI 10.26170/2071-2405-2023-29-3-17-26.

About the author(s) :

Sharafadina K. I.
St. Petersburg Humanitäre Gewerkschaftsuniversität (St. Petersburg, Russland)

Averkina S. N.
Staatliche Linguistische Universität Nischni Nowgorod, benannt nach. N. A. Dobrolyubova (Nischni Nowgorod, Russland)


Acknowledgements: The research is financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project No. 24-28-00706,

Publication Timeline:

Date of receipt: 26.08.2024; date of publication: 30.10.2024


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