Article: PDF
DOI: 10.26170/FK19-02-07
Abstract: The article is devoted to the place names of the Urals, formed from the names and surnames of Ural Industrialists of XIX–XX centuries. The sources of the material were the data of state archives, historical and modern maps of the Urals, Toponymic card index of the Department of Russian language, General linguistics and speech communication of the Ural Federal University. In the first part of the article presents the names of the factories, mines, mines, votian villages formed from the names of founders of the Ural factories or their relatives. The toponymic system with the center in Nizhny Tagil created by Nikolay Nikitich Demidov is described. Traces the formation of one of the most popular models for the names of factories and factory settlements: the names of the members of the genus / names and geographical names. The second part of the article is devoted to the surname of Demidov and its reflection in the place name of region. It is revealed that in the territories previously owned by Demidov, place names with the basis of Demid are single. The reasons of this phenomenon are found out, the most important of which is the absence of the name of Demid and the surname of Demid among the factory population, which was connected with the negative attitude of the people to the breeders and their names. At the end of the XX century, when the country returned to the market economy, changed attitude to Demidov, so their name was actively used for the nomination of new settlements and intra-family objects (streets, squares, neighborhoods, parks, bridges), etc. Today the name of Demidov can be considered the Ural brand.

For citation

Ivanovа, E. E. The Names of the Founders of the Ural Industry on the Map of the Urals / E. E. Ivanovа. In Philological Class. 2019. №2 (56). P. 59-66. DOI 10.26170/FK19-02-07.