Article: PDF
DOI: 10.26170/FK19-02-06
Abstract: The article presents a diachronic linguistic model which allows the authors to reveal the dependence of the interiorization of the philosophical concept “altruism” on the French everyday worldview into which it integrates. The article describes the model application to the French-language material which included: 1) for the reconstruction of the concept – fragments of the scientific discourse proper and descriptions of scientific concepts in secondary texts, encyclopedic (reference) articles; 2) for the reconstruction of ideas – instructive tales and proverbs, literary critical reviews, precedent texts, inclusions of the words “altruism”, “altruist” found in the corpus of the French language, and reactions to the stimulus “altruist” by native speakers of French. The model covers the period from the 18th century (the time when the term “altruism” appeared) to the present time. The following tasks were completed in the course of modeling: for particular chronological periods – to justify the choice of language material and research methods adequate to the material; to show its development in diachrony based on the semantic attributes found in the scientific concept; to correlate the semantic content of the concept with the synchronous content of everyday representation; to characterize the features of the interiorization process. Since the end of the 17th–18th centuries (the time when the scientific concept “altruism” appeared) until the 21st century, the development of the studied fragment was recorded in the scientific and everyday worldviews, and similarities and differences in their semantic content were noted in separate synchronous sections. The scientific concepts were reconstructed, and the sets of attributes were identified. It has been found that French folklore definitely reflects the good as a manifestation of altruism, and contains its personifications. The altruist in the work of G. Flaubert “A Simple Soul” is more like a biblical character than a real person. Modern French naïve consciousness reflects a close intertwining of the scientific notion of altruism and the common notion of it. The current content of everyday ideas in the psycholinguistic experiment is expressed by a significant number of synonyms and antonyms to the words that mark the semantic attributes of altruism; and extended non-controversial judgments are situated on the periphery.

For citation

Butakova, L. O. Modelling the Interaction between the Scientific Concept “Altruism” and the Everyday Idea of Altruism in French Linguistic Culture / L. O. Butakova, T. A. Zdrikovskaya . In Philological Class. 2019. №2 (56). P. 50-58. DOI 10.26170/FK19-02-06.