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Russian Poetic Picture of the World: Linguistic Approach
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DOI: 10.26170/FK20-04-08
Abstract: The article considers the concepts of “poetic consciousness” and “national poetic picture of the world”, as well as the issues of structuring of the Russian poetic picture of the world through the spectacles of linguistics and its study in terms of diachrony and in comparison with the poetic pictures of the world of other cultures. The article formulates the tasks to be performed while studying stable and variable aspects of the Russian poetic picture of the world and proposes solutions. The aim of this article is to clarify the concepts of “poetic consciousness” and “national poetic picture of the world”, to outline the ways and to suggest the methods to study the Russian poetic picture of the world in its linguistic representation. The object of research is the verbal reflection of the Russian poetic picture of the world. As the theoretical foundation, the article uses materials of Slavic mythology, folklore, Russian poetry of the 18th – 20th centuries, mass songs, online poetry of the 21st century, as well as the author’s previous research and recent master’s degree theses written and defended under the supervision of the author of the article. The study uses the descriptive and comparative methods coupled with contextual semantico-stylistic analysis of the word usage and quantitative estimation of the lexical units under study and the units from their close environment. The research results include the suggested structure of the Russian poetic picture of the world with its stable and variable aspects and with elite, folk, mass and online variations. The article substantiates the necessity of comparative study of national poetic pictures of the world; it names such differences of poetic pictures of the world of various cultures as differences of the life of the people, poetry language traditions and different visions of the same phenomena; furthermore, the articles sets tasks for further studies (to identify universal and variable aspects of the Russian poetic picture of the world of different periods and to compare them with other aspects of our culture and poetic pictures of other cultures) and proposes the ways and methods to solve these problems. The research results can be used to study language of poetry in general and in terms of poetic lexicography.
Key words: Poetic consciousness; Russian poetic picture of the world; Russian poetry; Russian poets; language of poetry; national poetic worldview.
For citation
Afanasyeva, N. A. (2020). Russian Poetic Picture of the World: Linguistic Approach. In Philological Class. 2020. Vol. 25 ⋅ №4. P. 80–87. DOI 10.26170/FK20-04-08.