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The Dynamics of Change in Grammatical Cohesion of Some Russian Verbs
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DOI: 10.26170/2071-2405-2024-29-3-91-101
Abstract: The study describes the verb khodit' as a fragment of the associative-verbal system of native Russian speakers, which is considered from the point of view of the dynamics of the change of its grammatical cohesion. The object of the study includes the specific features of the semantics of the verb khodit' and its syntactic functioning, recorded in all-Russian and regional associative dictionaries of different time periods. The aim of the article is to reveal the dynamics of the change of the grammatical cohesion of Russian verbs in the linguistic consciousness of native speakers of different ages on the example of the verb khodit'. The analysis of the verb khodit' is based on the ideas of associative grammar by Yu. N. Karaulov. The results of the material analysis show that the choice of the relevant type of constructions is associated with age variation: for schoolchildren of the early 2000s (Associative Teen-ager Vocabulary 1) and 2020-2022 (Associative Teenager Vocabulary 2) – these are reduced constructions, for students of the 1990s (Russian Associative Dictionary) and 2000–2010 (Siberian Associative Dictionary of the Russian Language) verbalized associations. Age-related variation suggests that schoolchildren of recent years tend to grammatically link the stimulus word and their response to it. The circonstant structure of word combinations is characteristic of higher school students and is less typical of responses of secondary school children, which proves a greater semantic diversity of the semantic group of circonstants in students of the genera-tion of the 1980s and 1990s and 2000–2010 than in teenagers of 2000–2020. Age-related peculiarities of grammaticalization are manifested in schoolchildren in a higher percentage of associations with a stimulus without expressing a grammatical connection. The actant structure as a way of responding turned out to be irrelevant for the verb khodit' (WALK), as evidenced by the small per-centage of phrases of this type for all groups of informants. A typical response among verbalized associations for students and schoolchildren includes description of the nature of the movement (Russian Associative Dictionary, Siberian Associative Dictionary of the Russian Language, Associative Teenager Vocabulary 2), for schoolchildren of the 2000s, the expression of the semantics of the goal (Associative Teenager Vocabulary 1) is more important. Teenagers show more emotionally charged responses (schoolchil-dren of the 2000s demonstrate a predominantly negative perception of the stimulus, while schoolchildren of the 2020s have a posi-tive one). Syntactic primitives as a pre-speech phenomenon are most typical in the responses of teenagers (the most relevant and dominant in teenagers and students are: subject, definition and judgment, place). The difference in results is most influenced by the age of the participants. In addition, adolescents perceive the stimulus to a greater extent through images, and students through syntactic structures.
Key words: associative grammar; associative field; semantics; syntactic construction; grammatical structures; the verb khodit' (to walk)
Для цитирования:
Бутакова, Л. О. Динамика изменений актуальных связей русских глаголов / Л. О. Бутакова, А. С. Шереметова // Philological Class. – 2024. – Vol. 29 ⋅ №3. – С. 91-101. DOI 10.26170/2071-2405-2024-29-3-91-101.
For citation
Butakova, L. O., Sheremetova, A. S. (2024). The Dynamics of Change in Grammatical Cohesion of Some Russian Verbs. In Philological Class. 2024. Vol. 29 ⋅ №3. P. 91-101. DOI 10.26170/2071-2405-2024-29-3-91-101.