Article: PDF
DOI: 10.26170/2071-2405-2024-29-4-160-172
Abstract: In the context of globalization and the deepening ties between China and Russia, the study of Russian and Chinese languages has gained particular significance, making the research of cognitive factors influencing the perception of parts of speech categories highly relevant. This study aims to analyze both internal factors (grammatical structures, word formation) and external factors (motivation) that shape the students’ cognitive perception of parts of speech categories. The results indicate that conscious and long-term motivation exerts the most significant influence on the cognitive perception, enhancing students’ comprehension and classification of parts of speech. These findings highlight the need to develop targeted educational strategies that integrate motivational components and account for students’ cognitive characteristics. The results may serve as a foundation for developing more effective pedagogical approaches aimed at optimizing the learning process and improving language competence.
Key words: cognitive perception; parts of speech; motivation; education strategies; Russian language; Chinese language

Для цитирования:

Цзин, Байлян. Когнитивные факторы изучения частей речи в практических курсах русского и китайского языков как иностранных / Цзин Байлян // Philological Class. – 2024. – Vol. 29 ⋅ №4. – С. 160-172. DOI 10.26170/2071-2405-2024-29-4-160-172.

For citation

Jing, Bailiang. (2024). Cognitive Factors of the Study of Parts of Speech in the Practical Teaching of Russian and Chinese Languages. In Philological Class. 2024. Vol. 29 ⋅ №4. P. 160-172. DOI 10.26170/2071-2405-2024-29-4-160-172.

About the author(s) :

Jing Bailiang

Henan Normal University (Xinxiang, China)


Publication Timeline:

Date of receipt: 01.09.2024; date of publication: 28.12.2024


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