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Arrangement of Reading Classes for Foreign Students under Distance Learning Conditions
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DOI: 10.26170/FK20-02-20
Abstract: The article describes the process of arrangement of Reading classes in the context of distance teaching of Russian as a foreign language. The authors operate on their own experience of remote educational technology (RET) application at Jilin University of international studies (Changchun, China), which can be helpful to tutors organizing the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL) remotely. The authors’task was not to conduct a pedagogical experiment to prove the effectiveness of RET usage, since the authors adhere to the position of R. Clarke that the effectiveness of training does not increase with the use of information technologies. Therefore, the aim of the article is to introduce the characteristics of the process of teaching reading to foreign students in conditions of distance learning with the use of RET as a potential means of learning. The article clarifies such concepts as distance learning, distance education technologies, online learning, and offers their working definitions; reading as a special type of speech activity is described, as well as its role in the process of teaching and learning RFL. Among the variety of Internet platforms for conducting classes, the authors selected the educational portal of Jilin University of international studies and WeChat, a popular in China messenger. The suggested system of educational process organization conventionally consists of the following stages: preparatory, self-instructional work of students, conducting online classes, monitoring. The preparatory stage is devoted to the development of educational content, taking into account the possibility of using RET in teaching reading. At the stage of self-instructional work, students mastered the learning portal, the results of all pre-text lexical-grammatical tasks reflected in their personal accounts and available to the teacher, which enables individual control of each student before the start of online classes. Online classes are held in a video conference mode. Current and final control of the subject is carried out using RET. Distance learning has certain advantages: it provides open educational space, increases the dynamics of educational process and the mobility of its participants. However, this distance form has certain disadvantages: the lack of universality in RET application, insufficient level of participants’qualification in the field of modern information technologies during the educational process, etc. Therefore, RET is one of the possible means of training, and distance learning itself opens up certain opportunities for participants in educational process, which depends on the direction of studies specifics, the disciplines studied, the educational organization technical capabilities and the willingness of participants to apply them.
For citation
Wei, Zhang, Vesnina, L. E. (2020). Arrangement of Reading Classes for Foreign Students under Distance Learning Conditions. In Philological Class. 2020. Vol. 25 ⋅ №2. P. 228-235. DOI 10.26170/FK20-02-20.