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To the Question of the Use of Mobile Educational Game Apps as a Simulator in Russian Language Teaching
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DOI: 10.51762/1FK-2021-26-01-25
Abstract: The urgency of this study can be attributed to the high pace of development of modern distance
learning practice and the need for analysis and theoretical understanding of new training formats in line with
computer linguodidactics. In this regard, the purpose of the study is to analyze the prospects for using mobile
training and gaming applications as a means of fixing and diagnosing language mistakes and controlling the
acquisition. The object of research includes the methods of application of mobile learning game apps in teaching Russian. The theoretical and methodological basis included modern Russian and foreign studies devoted
to the problems of the use of electronic gaming technologies, specifically those based on computer modeling of
interactive 3D space, mobile technologies, computer games and applications in Russian language teaching. The
article employs a complex of methods adequate to the object of study: the method of direct observation; description including observation, data comparison, classification of research objects, generalization and interpretation
of the information received. It also uses empirical methods such as analysis and generalization of pedagogical
experience, methodological experiment and questionnaires. The study has resulted in a description and characterization of the use of mobile educational and gaming applications in teaching Russian basing on the example
of the app “Priklyucheniya Kiberkota” (The Adventures of Cybercat). The perspectives of use of this type of apps as
a learning tool are analyzed in linguometodological aspect, based on the results of the experiment, and in the aspect of pedagogical psychology, based on answers to the questionnaire. The implicit control principle was formulated, and the place of educational and gaming applications in the general classification of mobile software was
determined. The article also discusses the concepts of “gamification” and “educational cyberquest” in the field of
mobile educational and gaming applications. The research results can be used in the design and development of
educational and game software systems and applications. The expansion of the practice of using such electronic
educational systems will open up new vistas in the Russian language teaching and self learning. The main expected results of using such applications are: optimization of the format of extracurricular education, an increase in motivation and a decrease in the negative psychological effects of students’perceptions of the educational process. In order to expand this practice, it is proposed to consider educational applications developed on the basis of game mechanics as a learning tool. The proper example is “The Adventures of Cybercat” application developed by the scientific and technical team of the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute.
Key words: Mobile applications; educational game applications; information and communication technologies; linguodidactic simulators; Russian; methods of teaching Russian; learning aids; gamification; educational
For citation
Maev, I. A., Zhiltsov, V. A. (2021). To the Question of the Use of Mobile Educational Game Apps as a Simulator in Russian Language Teaching. In Philological Class. 2021. Vol. 26 ⋅ №1. P. 293–307. DOI 10.51762/1FK-2021-26-01-25.