Article: PDF
DOI: 10.26170/2071-2405-2023-28-4-337-348
Abstract: The article deals with the syntactic ideas of D. N. Ushakov on the problem of the sentence and its members in Russian. The author’s review of the linguistic works devoted to the assessment of the scientific and methodological heritage of the scholar clearly show that this aspect of the activity of Ushakov has remained outside the survey of modern philologists. Ushakov is widely known as a lexicographer, a specialist in the normative Russian orthoepia and orthography, and a dialectologist, but not at all known as a researcher of the syntax of the Russian language. The author of the article notes that in the field of syntax, the linguist largely relies on the innovative ideas of his teacher F. F. Fortunatov. However, unlike him, Ushakov manages to overcome the influence of psychologism by distinguishing between the psychological judgment and the sentence, and between the psychological subject and predicate and the grammatical ones. The article shows that Ushakov was interested in a fairly wide range of issues of the sentence syntax: the role of intonation, the types of link-verbs in the compound predicate, the principles of classification of secondary parts of the sentence, the means of expressing relations in a composite sentence, etc. Often limited to individual comments, Ushakov nevertheless demonstrates high professionalism and a subtle sense of language, finding himself ideologically close in some of his theses to the largest domestic syntax theorists A. A. Shakhmatov and A. M. Peshkovsky. The article also focuses on the issue of Ushakov’s participation in the discussion of the scope of syntactical material chosen for study in the curricula of the Soviet schools of the 1920s. In his didactic views, the linguist remains a moderate formalist, advocating the liberation of the school syntax course from “logic” and the study of the interrelations between words and sentences and the ways of expressing these relations. The author comes to the conclusion that in the sphere of syntax, Ushakov was still not an experimenter, and neither the keeper of exclusively Fortunatov’s traditions. Due to the breadth of outlook, openness to new knowledge and simplicity of style, he took a special place as a popularizer of the most productive syntactic ideas of a number of his contemporaries.
Key words: “formal grammar”; psychological judgment; sentence; types of link-verbs in the compound predicate; secondary parts of the sentence; school syntax course

Для цитирования:

Селеменева, О. А. Синтаксические взгляды Д. Н. Ушакова: хранитель фортунатовских традиций или ученый-экспериментатор? / О. А. Селеменева // Philological Class. – 2023. – Vol. 28 ⋅ №4. – С. 337-348. DOI 10.26170/2071-2405-2023-28-4-337-348.

For citation

Selemeneva, O. A. (2023). Syntactic Ideas of D. N. Ushakov: A Keeper of Fortunatov’s Traditions or a Scholar-Experimentalist? . In Philological Class. 2023. Vol. 28 ⋅ №4. P. 337-348. DOI 10.26170/2071-2405-2023-28-4-337-348.

About the author(s) :

Olga A. Selemeneva

Bunin Yelets State University (Yelets, Russia)


Publication Timeline:

Date of receipt: 27.08.2023; date of publication: 30.12.2023


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